洞察力 2022年6月2日

What are the benefits of business digital transformation for buildings?

Learn how Mitie is helping businesses manage digital transformation projects so they can harness the power of digital to manage risk and maximise 生产力.

在数字时代, 现在几乎所有的商业交易都在网上进行, 跨国界, 公司很容易向世界各地的客户销售产品. Offices that once brimmed with paper are now digital workspaces filled with computer screens. 变化的速度令人眼花缭乱. Latest innovations mean businesses disrupted by the initial wave of information 科技nology are now undergoing a second digital transformation. We are evolving from an economy where 科技nology makes it easy for us to find information, 更有效地联系和工作.

在我们最近公布的行业领导者调查中, 84% of respondents said they had already begun to explore the potential of digital transformation 科技nologies and solutions. 他们采用的技术从成熟到尖端不等. 改善我们的资产和设备之间的连接性, 以及数据的智能使用, is driving business efficiency and fundamentally changing the way businesses operate.


Internet connectivity is no longer confined to computers and smartphones. 多亏了环境传感器的进步, 还有蓝牙技术, commercial assets and equipment can become ‘smart’ and connected to networks that transmit data in both directions. 如今的资产收集和分析数据,并能据此采取行动. 这就是物联网(IoT).

在商业环境中, 设备可以连接到物联网,使快速, 远程调整, 或警报, 在供暖和空调系统等各种资产上, 制造机械及安全门禁设备.

新的传感器技术实现了一定程度的自主性, which allows smart devices to respond automatically to whatever is going on in the environment around them.


  • Temperature sensors – enabling automatic adjustments to heating and air conditioning, 尽量减少能源浪费和碳排放.
  • Footfall sensors – for tracking the number of people in a particular location.
  • 光传感器-自动开关灯打开和关闭, 取决于空间占用情况, 以节省电力消耗.
  • Fault sensors – generating alerts in response to developing hardware issues which can be fixed before they become an issue.
Sensors can respond automatically to whatever is going on in the environment


充分利用智能设备的设施可以实现真正的 连接的工作区创建一个适合每个人使用的智能建筑.

Digital transformation means fully embracing the opportunities presented by 科技nical innovation. Data has become one of the most valuable business commodities of the 21st century. 来自各个设施的稳定的数据流, 当受到严格的分析, 能提供可操作和可衡量的见解吗. Data analysis allows space to be used more effectively and adapted as the business changes.

Advanced machine learning enables the diagnosis of hardware issues before they can cause costly failures and equipment downtime. Preventative maintenance is far more efficient than responsive maintenance, 当故障发生时,在哪里修复, 并能提高资产弹性.

数字化转型使公司能够 全面优化 日常运作包括:

  • 削减成本
  • 增加 生产力
  • 增加 operational efficiency – engineers can be sent straight to where they are needed
  • 加快实现净零碳排放的进程
  • Reducing demands on staff, increasing wellbeing and decreasing burnout and staff turnover

更好的数据将帮助组织降低运营成本, mitigate risk and introduce efficiencies in areas including 能源 management, 安全和访问控制, 以及机电维修. 例如, 科技nology is embedded into Mitie’s service delivery for a major retail client, 在哪里使用我们的梅林全天候应用程序, 有我们的安全分析师支持 情报中心. It enables our on-site security officers to receive and share real-time insights and updates to their mobile devices, 这样他们就可以在安全问题上做出更明智的决定, 忙碌中.



建筑的数字化转型是复杂和多方面的. Technology evolves rapidly, and it is important for software and hardware to remain in sync. 此外,数据需要仔细管理和规划. A torrent of raw data from equipment and staffing movements can be overwhelming, 有价值和可操作的见解被淹没在洪水中.

还有道德和法律方面的考虑. 员工必须被告知工作场所的任何监控, 收集到的数据也应该明确. 当然,公司也必须遵守GDPR.

数字化转型需要新思维, 新方法和新技能, 充分发挥潜力, 设施管理人员需要迅速填补任何知识空白. 对很多企业来说, 这将涉及到对新人才的投资, 提高现有人员的技能, 并与设施管理合作伙伴合作, 像Mitie, 它已经在数字技术上进行了投资, 数据专家和转换专家.

Digital transformation of built assets and the 工作场所 represents a significant opportunity with the potential to improve the performance of buildings and the people that work in them.

The 工作场所 now has greater digital expectations of it than ever before


Mitie是英国最大的设施管理公司之一. We work closely with clients across the country and use the latest data-led 科技nologies to deliver truly 连接的工作区. We provide clients with a full suite of remote management services that monitor their facilities 24/7 to optimise operational efficiency and 生产力, 提高工作体验. 这是Mitie的核心组成部分 澳博官方网站科学®.

Our Service Operations Centre team includes data specialists and engineers who are experienced in delivering digital transformation as part of a broader service package. They are dedicated to supporting clients on their journey towards digital transformation and helping them reap the operational and financial benefits.

问现在 了解Mitie如何支持贵公司的数字化转型.

